Engine Watch Businesses – Companies affected by the crisis

Companies affected by the crisis should try to spend money on strong channels such as research, social media and email. Advertising spending is decreasing in all channels. However, rather than stop spending on advertising, marketers should focus their efforts on stronger channels such as social media, paid search and email. Businesses that want to thrive on advertising in the current crisis should focus their efforts on popular media because that’s where customers spend their time. Media consumption has increased dramatically worldwide: 36% of users report seeing more information, 27% watch more programs, 21% spend more time in social media, 18% participate in games, etc. An emarketer forecast shows similar results, global advertising spending has fallen by $20 billion since the beginning of the year, and marketers are expected to focus their advertising spending on PPC and email. Advertising experts expect advertising spend to fall by up to 50% across all channels. While global advertising spending is declining, some channels are more promising than others, and that’s what we need to focus on. The impact is huge and there is still a lot of unpacking to do. So let look at advertising spending and the options available to advertisers in the coming months. Digital media spending is about 40%, while the best estimates are for social media and paid search, which are down 33% and 30% respectively. Many countries are in a state of total gridlock, and the effects are being felt everywhere, including in global advertising spending. This is a 10% drop in revenue, which has a huge impact on advertising spending in the United States. Most technology buyers also expect to spend more as they try to adapt to the new measures and work remotely. Across all channels, advertising spending is expected to drop by 50%. The global economy is estimated to suffer a loss of $2.7 trillion, with the greatest impact expected in the service sector, where public services such as hotels and restaurants are completely shut down. A quick overview of advertising expenditures and options available to advertisers in the coming months.