Dietary Quercetin Alleviated – The results: In this

The results: In this experiment, 500 ppm quercetin in the diet may have facilitated DSS-induced colitis, improved intestinal integrity, and antioxidant ability of the liver. DSS-induced quercetin was weakened in rats by several possible transcriptomal analysis methods. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether quercetin is effective in an ICD and the mechanism by which quercetin removes DSS-induced colitis in rats. CONCLUSION: Dietary quercetin was shown to relieve DSS-induced colitis in rats. Dietary quercetin removed DSS-induced colitis. Quercetin is a flavonoid widely used in fruits and vegetables, known for its numerous pharmacological actions such as enhancing antioxidant properties or suppressing inflammation. Based on our research, quercetin is a promising candidate for IDD, and its pharmaceutical effects on IDD and intestinal genesis require further research. Quercetin has been modulated in several key genes based on intestinal transcriptom results. The information contained in this document does not constitute a diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of any disease or medical condition. It is recommended to seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner before embarking on any form of natural, integrative or routine treatment. The colitis was caused by DSS, and body weight was measured daily. This is most likely due to beneficial effects on intestinal integrity and modulation of various key pathways.