Gut Company Psoriasis – Psoriasis is often referred to as

Psoriasis is often referred to as T-cell mediated disease: “T cells are a specific type of immune cell that is responsible for detecting intruders and launching a healthy attack to protect the body. T-cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and celiac disease, which is why psoriasis patients of 2 years old are 5 times more likely to develop psoriasis, and psoriasis skin lesions are improved by gluten-free nutrition. Additional stress on the immune system can cause a cascade of inflammation, so nutrition should be considered an important factor in the development and maintenance of psoriasis. Th17 cells contribute to the secretion of a characteristic set of cytokines that regulate the autoimmune inhibitory cascade, often associated with psoriasis and Crohn’s disease. Malabsorption of the intestine – Researchers have found that intestinal malabsorption is more common in patients with psoriasis and may be one of the triggers of celiac disease and psoriasis. For those diagnosed with autoimmune disease, such as psoriasis, I think they are happy to finally have a label with red and irritating spots on their skin. Intestinal dysbiosis – Several studies show that patients with psoriasis have a lower incidence of multiple intestinal bacteria, which is associated with specific changes in inflammatory proteins and increased susceptibility to bacterial infections. However, it has been shown that people with psoriasis have a high percentage of psoriasis, which can contribute to the rapid formation of skin cells. Stress – Studies have shown an increase in circulating T-cells after a period of mental stress, with the result that many patients with psoriasis associate a period of stress in their lives with an attack. I took Hashimoto’s in remission because I followed a very similar protocol and now I’m trying to help my 20-year-old niece with psoriasis in “her” “body”.