McDougall discovered that cannabis-like molecules could repair and protect these nerves to reduce joint pain. But arthritis is not limited to pain and joint disease. Other studies have concluded that CBD oil can block joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. Another study showed that CBD oil is the key to safe joint pain relief without side effects. Arthritis also includes back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, gout, and Lyme disease, and is associated with these diseases. It repairs arthritic damage and relieves joint pain. Arthritis can cause extreme pain and may prevent you from doing your daily work. A study has shown that CBD oil can help reduce inflammation of joints and protect nerves. In addition, local administration of these molecules to affected nerves may reduce inflammation and prevent further development of pain. What we do know now is that CBD oil has the potential to repair nerve damage caused by arthritis and relieve some of the daily pain. But previous studies of arthritis tend to focus more on the physical degeneration of joints. That’s a lot of joint pain. CBD oil can be a key factor in preventing joint pain. It was there, after a hectic day, when my feet, knees, legs, and lower back were so sore that I thought I had to lose hope for our next ascent, Rainbow Mountain! That night, I took out a small bottle of “Magnesium Oil” that a friend had given me before I left on a trip. The worst cases of arthritis require arthroplasty. Bones rub against each other, causing pain, swelling and stiffness.