The easiest way to increase the body temperature of an external heat source to reproduce the positive effects of fever is through a therapeutic sauna. Since 2002, Sarah has been a health and nutrition teacher dedicated to supporting families who effectively integrate the principles of traditional nutrition into modern homes. The heat generated by fever, the self-generated hyperthermal therapy, is a powerful weapon for a healthy immune system. If you want to experience a safe NIR sauna, Saunaspace offers 48-hour flash sales at a 10% discount from Sunday 1 September 2019 to Monday 2 September 2019 until midnight. A respected oncologist in my community once told me that cancer patients usually have trouble with fever. At a time when global pollution is reaching unprecedented levels for humanity, the protective and therapeutic benefits of sauna hyperthermia are an important part of a global wellness strategy. Waon therapy, developed in Japan, uses infrared energy to treat chronic heart failure and other diseases. It is the task of the organization to support families who effectively integrate the principles of traditional nutrition into modern homes. Increase blood circulation throughout the body by improving nutrition and oxygenation of healthy tissues. Every time I feel like I’m catching a cold or getting worse, I jump into my sauna as soon as possible to get a quick and effective detoxification. This keeps the saunas in the near infrared, which according to research is the safest and most effective option. These proteins are easily recognized by the immune system as markers of diseased cells, creating a positive immune response to a tumor attack. Sarah Pope has been working as a health and nutrition teacher since 2002.