Remember: Miso soup but it can also be used in a variety of ways, such as marinating fish, tofu or vegetables, or as sauce or vinaigrette. Today it is a recipe from a fermented food specialist My fermented food! They share their advice on making Miso soup, a traditional Japanese soup usually served with rice or individual breakfast meals. Miso soup is made from miso dough – fermented soy cheese and Dashi broth. Before making a recipe for gluten-free Miso’s soup, we make a simple recipe for those who want to make it. Mizopasta is one of the main components of Mizo soup and has many useful properties such as high protein and zinc content and intestinal quality. Before proceeding to the recipe of gluten-free miso soup, let’s take a look at mass miso. Always use gluten-free grains to make mizo dough. You can buy ready-made miso soups, but your own production guarantees good ingredients and all the health benefits. Always read the list of ingredients to make sure you buy gluten-free miso. Home mizo is considered to be one of the best fermented foods for your intestines, so it contains many good bacteria for our intestines. Simply put, Miso is a soybean paste with fermentation. The white miso, called Shiro Mizo, is a great option for sauces, marinades, stews and soups. The darker the colour of the mizo dough, the stronger the taste.