Karina Tama, founder of Senior Care Clicks met Jason Barnard, the SERP brand man and keynote speaker, to discuss the challenges of working remotely during COVID19 and exchange some tips. He also avoids interruptions from colleagues who can easily distract him: “I’m in the mood for coffee”, “you can help me”, “it doesn’t look good”, etc. Since then, I combine long-distance work with a nomadic, homeless life, constantly on the road and working remotely. I learned a lot about self-motivation, the structure of the working day, separation of work and family life, how to deal with remote communication and even how to work with people you don’t know. Although it may be difficult for some people to adapt to the new “temporary” normality, teleworking is likely to offer a long-term perspective for many people. But whatever “they” expected, I had to wait more than five minutes for the “official” ten-minute break, lunch or the end of the day. Since the attack of the COVID-19 virus, the world has been subject to “auto quarantine” and “social distancing”, and many companies around the world have been forced to support teleworking. But as long as the boss is smart, I hope that if the work that people do at home is so good and valuable to the company, more companies will let people work at home for a while. Young children need your attention and don’t understand that you can’t stop working when they want to. I did everything on my laptop, with my phone as an access point, no interference whatsoever, and my video and sound quality was better than with home Wi-Fi, as you can see here. Video conferencing becomes a tricky business when someone has a bad connection in the session – pauses of sentences, misunderstandings, interruptions, all of this builds up quickly and can ruin a good session. Don’t be afraid to cut the video to make sure everything is heard, good sound is the most important thing in a conversation. My expression was “back home, back home, ” – it was the sign that my attention became 100% trusted every day. And that can only be one thing to motivate people who are working at home for the first time.