HCD Mag – The hospital moved its behavioral health and

The hospital moved its behavioral health and hospital rehabilitation services from the Wysong campus to a new facility worth $52 million located on the main campus of the hospital. The two-story 80,000-square-foot project includes 20 rehabilitation rooms at the hospital, 80 behavioral therapy rooms, and an outdoor treatment garden. Services include adult mental health treatment, strokes, amputations, brain injuries, heart and trauma rehabilitation. News The one-story project includes an emergency room for 13 people, an operating room and eight outpatient wards. News The one-storied project will be dedicated to primary medical care and internal diseases. Will Downing News will focus on the company’s health research in Iowa City, Iowa. NEVER miss the history and find the latest news, trends, projects, and perspectives on medical device design in one place. April 24-27, 2021, Chattanooga Convention Center, Tennessee.

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