Pet owners treat their pets badly because of opiates? Colorado veterinarians are watching an opiate epidemic spread among pets Date: August 9 2018 Source: Colorado State University Anschutz Medical Campus Summary: According to a recent study, Colorado veterinarians are concerned that some of their clients deliberately harm their pets in the hope that they will receive prescription pain medication. Colorado veterinarians are concerned that some of their clients deliberately harm their pets in the hope of receiving prescription pain medication. This was highlighted in a recent study conducted by the Colorado School of Public Health, the Anshute University campus and the local veterinary association. “Are pet owners mistreating their pets because of opiates? Colorado veterinarians have found that the opiate epidemic is spreading to pets. ScienceDaily. The Center for Health, Labor and the Environment and the Colorado Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Consortium are working to combat opiate and animal abuse by training veterinarians and their staff. Are animal owners mistreating their animals to get opiates? Colorado’s veterinarians have found that the opiate epidemic is spreading to pets. “The role played by veterinarians in the fight against opiate abuse has not yet been fully exploited,” said Lily Tenney, lead researcher and deputy director of the Center for Health, Labor and Environment. The equipment was provided by the Colorado Anshutz University Medical Campus. Alcohol and opiate abuse is a problem that affects everyone in the animal hospital, from staff and animal owners to the animals themselves. Although veterinarians can prescribe powerful drugs, their role in fighting the opiate epidemic is largely ignored. The Anschutz Medical Campus at the University of Colorado has jointly developed an online training course that focuses on prescription guidelines and veterinarians’ best practices. Nearly 45% of respondents knew that the owner or employee of the household had abused opiates; 12% reported they knew that the employee had misappropriated or abused opiates. 29, 2015 г. According to researchers, drug users do not completely decline to prescribe opiates for heroin.