This Moroccan adzuki bonsalade is one of our new S.O.U.P. Autumn cleaning dishes If crispness is your favorite characteristic, then this salad is for you! The combination of purple cabbage, roasted carrots and sliced almonds will leave you to bite. Put the beans, carrots, cauliflowers, mint and coriander in a bowl and mix with lemon vinaigrette. Peel carrots and cauliflowers with olive oil, salt and pepper and fry for 25-30 minutes until tender. As if the fresh vegetable mixture is not dense enough in nutrients, adzuki beans are enriched with fiber, protein and manganese. They contain smoked chilli pepper, ground coriander, ginger, coriander, mint and charissa. I like to fill this bowl with a simple lemon vinaigrette. The unique mixture of herbs and spices makes this salad one of the most delicious to date. Put it on a serving plate and sprinkle it with fried almonds. Fry the herbs in a medium temperature frying pan until they become fragrant and full of life. Cut the carrots into pieces. The seasoning tastes like salt. Let’s tell you about your inner compass. Preheat the oven to 400.