Have you noticed that pumpkin seeds are white compared to pumpkin seeds in a store that are usually green? If so, you may wonder how to prepare these fresh pumpkin seeds so that they eat like other impregnated seeds. If you want to increase the fibers in your diet, eating fresh pumpkin seeds with your skin is a good option for a snack. If you have digestive problems, exacerbated by dietary fiber, it is best to store green pumpkin seeds, also called nuggets, in a health food store. I do not recommend trying to remove the peel of fresh white pumpkin seeds, because it takes too long. Another advantage of eating white pumpkin seeds with shells is that this fiber has a pest control effect. There is only one nutritive difference between green pumpkin seeds and fresh white pumpkin seeds. The short video below shows how to prepare the white pumpkin seeds for consumption. Place a bowl of fresh pumpkin seeds in a glass bowl with enough filtered water to cover them. The good news is that you can eat these white pumpkin seeds. And pumpkin seeds, organic or other, are quite expensive, about $8 per pound, in my area. If you do not have a pet that would benefit from eating fresh pumpkin seeds, at least make up for this so that the minerals in the seeds can enrich the soil in your garden. The right size pumpkin will give you about half a cup of seed. Instead, I suggest pressing fresh seeds once or twice in the food processor to cut them into large pieces. Store the fresh seeds in an airtight container in a storeroom or refrigerator. Since 2002, Sarah has been involved in health and nutrition education, helping families integrate the nutrition principles of their ancestors into a modern home. She then serves crushed white seeds to chickens or ducks in “her” garden.