Since in a normal year the demand for restaurants is only a small part, the survival of small family companies operating on olive oil will depend more than ever on direct sales to consumers. Since 2002, Sarah has been involved in health and nutrition education, helping families integrate the ancient principles of nutrition into a modern home. Large industrial enterprises processing olive oil and intermediaries do not buy this type of fruit olive oil. They prefer cheaper varieties that retain the same flavor throughout the year and blend well with lower quality oils such as rape and soybean, which are designed for supermarket shelves. Italian olive producers are particularly affected, especially those who try to preserve centuries-old and inherited olive trees. Due to the limited access of consumers and the decline of local restaurants, small farms are struggling to survive. With our strong support in 2020, we can be confident that these small olive oil producers will be present in 2021 and beyond, and not just another sad victim of the VOCID pandemic At the 2010 International Conference on Wise Traditions, Sarah was named Activist of the Year and joined the board of Weston A., a non-profit food organization. Her mission is to help families effectively integrate traditional food principles into modern homes. In Italy, independently managed restaurants provide a strong support structure for local olive oil production. By buying this oil, it revives old varieties of olive trees. I suggest you order package 3 Olio Nuovo in advance, and if you have one or more family members who appreciate the high quality olive oil, you will get 3 packages for them as a gift. In addition, the demand for local food in independent restaurants has decreased dramatically as consumers are forced to stay at home. Sarah Pope has been a health and nutrition educator since 2002. She fully accepts this gift while preserving biodiversity and appreciating the unique taste “she” brings each year. Not surprisingly, the closure of accounts in 2020 has destroyed small family businesses in America and Europe. She is the author of three books: “Get Your Fats Straight,” “Traditional Solutions for Modern Families,” and “Live Green in the Artificial World.