Depending on your situation, the road to success can be paved with a lot of introspection, but it’s worth it if you want to stop sabotaging yourself and finally start living. But let me assure you that the fear of success is real and most likely what is holding you back right now. So you may resist certain opportunities and sabotage your own success because you are afraid of what would be different if you succeeded. It’s a scary thought to believe that you can have anything you want in life, especially when you have a recurring insecurity in your psyche. It’s not the success itself that scares you, but the potential price you have to pay to achieve it. I just found 10,000 ways this doesn’t work. “Embrace a growth mindset when it comes to your goals, and know that failure and setbacks are just opportunities to learn to be better at what you do. If you want to overcome your fear of success, you must identify your reasons. Learn three simple steps to building a successful health education business in six months or less in this special briefing provided by Mark Sisson co-founder of CPSI. As I mentioned earlier, one of the most common reasons for consciously or unconsciously sabotaging your own success is fear of change. The original theory on the fear of success comes from M.S. Horner’s dissertation, which focused specifically on women and success. She studied the relationship between the motivation to succeed and the need to succeed. You know the fear of failure, right1? Those of you who have experienced major in one or more areas of your life probably know this very well. Self-doubt plays a big part in this, so consider this message a friendly reminder from your health coach that you have what it takes to deal with the consequences that await you. If you are passionate about health and wellness and want to help people like Erin every day for “your” clients, consider becoming a certified health coach yourself. Maybe your family speaks so harshly about people who don’t eat “normally.” It may be your internal dialogue telling you that you will always be a “picky” or inconsistent eater. Be proud of your new habits and remember that even if you take only small steps, you will completely outperform anyone who clings to your old habits.