Some of the most universal tools used in the manufacture of modern medicines are pill presses and industrial mixers on sale, which are used to mix medicines in the final formulation. Once a formulation has been developed, processes must be developed to ensure that the drug is manufactured consistently and safely. Research and development departments can spend years developing the right formula and conducting clinical trials to ensure that the product they create is the most suitable for their application. The FDA can review these procedures to ensure that the development of drugs for continued use is safe. There are also testing devices to ensure that the final product meets the parameters specified in the procedures. Some of the most common test devices are the use of HPLC to determine the purity of your drugs. Other companies may rely on health professionals to inform them of a new and improved formulation that works best for you as a patient. Although the basic production process is similar from company to company, medications and marketing strategies vary. Procedures are an important part of the approval process for the new drug to be considered for marketing. Some companies are starting to formulate drugs without the help of a working product. The way the product is marketed depends on what the drug is about. You may have heard of a drug and asked your doctor to prescribe it because of the effective strategies available. WorldwideSanté.com recommends that all medical conditions be treated by a physician competent to treat this particular condition. Modern medicines have changed, and companies can turn directly to consumers. You may have noticed that many medicines decide to make them directly available to the general public. These are some of the basic steps necessary to manufacture modern medicines.