From the first hour after her presence in social media, Sonia reaction to think about how we will treat our children’s privacy differently. She was concerned about the principle that even before she was “herself” in social media, her Internet presence was “out of her” control. In the media, we can create a public image of ourselves or share global news. Sonia’s reaction to her premature presence in social media is not only due to embarrassing photos. Social media in all its forms are an integral part of our lives. The end result was that Sonia had never given her consent to be represented in the media, by her family or otherwise. As a result, she decided to abandon social media altogether. Social media exists primarily to keep us in touch with our families and families. Social networks offer us many tools to personalize our accounts. Some people even use social media as a sector of activity for goods and services. Including places in our photos, marking the faces of our friends and publishing profiles gives us a greater social impact. A social media character approached this issue a little differently. I was there, after a hard day, my feet, knees, legs and lower back hurt so much that I thought I had to lose hope for our next ascent, Rainbow Mountain! That night, I took out a small bottle of “Magnesium Oil” that a friend had given me before I left on a trip. In an era of online intimidation and cyberbullying, you may want to think twice before opening such a clear window on your private life to the public.