Although many brands claim to contain no Roundup residues, at the time of publication of this article, only one brand has been certified as glyphosate free, the results of which have been certified by an independent body. Some of these traces of collagen contain glyphosate residues in dangerous quantities, even according to the FDA, suggesting that “safe levels” are about twice as high as the recommended EWG levels. One of the main reasons for not using traditional processing products goes far beyond empty calories with free radicals, mainly derived from genetically modified rancid oils such as rapeseed oil. Since 2002, Sara has been teaching health and nutrition issues, supporting families that effectively integrate traditional food principles into modern families. A friend of mine has tested brands of hydrolyzed collagen peptides with amazing results in recent years. Meanwhile, what I do to protect myself and my family is to insist that the brands I often use do my duty of care, testing and product safety for my customers. This cross-contamination means that animals grazing on untreated meadows can be destroyed by glyphosate and residues can be found in their herbs and possibly in dishes. In addition, organic farms near traditional farms can be polluted by the wind if farmers use pesticides and herbicides, such as nearby roundings. As long as we do not control the incredible pollution of conventional agriculture, which will have a negative impact on organic agriculture and pastures. In my opinion, there is no other way out. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundapa and related products, is known to destroy good bacteria in the intestines. Organic” and “green” substances will no longer be sufficient to ensure purity of all food, especially if animal tissue, such as collagen, is concentrated. How is this possible? Many of these brands are organic and grass-soaked. Their task is to support families that effectively integrate the principles of traditional nutrition into modern homes.