Since 2002, Sarah has been involved in health and nutrition education, helping families integrate thousands of nutrition principles into a modern home. Her mission is to help families effectively integrate the principles of the old diet into the modern home. Sarah Pope has been a health and nutrition educator since 2002. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or treat any disease. It is a simple recipe for alligator bites with beer crust, cooked in healthy fat and lightly seasoned with Cajun herbs. In 2009, the H1N1 flu pandemic, also known as swine flu, “a pandemic that never existed” forced me to write my first blog post. His work was covered by major media including USA Today, ABC, NBC and many others. To apply for this position, you must be a member of Healthy Home Plus. You should already be aware that tea bags, even organic brands, can be a major source of toxins, even carcinogens. Get in touch with your health economist. She is a popular speaker at conferences, summits and podcasts around the world. Great dinner to confuse your family.