Since 2002, Sarah has been engaged in health and nutrition education to help families effectively integrate thousands of nutrition principles into the modern home. Her work is dedicated to helping families effectively integrate the ancient principles of nutrition into the modern home. One of the main reasons people avoid vaccination for religious reasons is that many of the vaccinations are made from the tissues of aborted human embryos. Sarah Pope has been a health and nutrition teacher since 2002. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or treat any disease. An overview of the three main brands of affordable organic mattresses and a comparison of lumbar support areas, overall comfort, fall prevention and mattress strength. His work has been covered in major media including USA Today, ABC, NBC and many others. VIDCO vaccines and aborted baby tissue. To access this article, you must be a member of the Healthy Home Plus program. It is a sought after lecturer at conferences, summits and podcasts around the world. Contact the Healthy Home Economist magazine.