In addition, in September 2019, Matić co-authored a publication on the role of design in ensuring staff safety: “Bio-container module design strategies to reduce the risk of falling personal protective equipment of high level”, published in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases. The result of this work, inspired by a multidisciplinary research program in 2015, in which Matić participated in response to the Ebola epidemic in 2014, is the White Paper “Developing Strategies for Bio-container Units: Creating a Safer Environment”, which summarizes many years of research work and reports on identified best design practices. Safe PRM removal has proven to be an essential part of this puzzle, such as Matić found in “your” research, which now helps to develop strategies for coronavirus rooms. However, with a target completion date of 2022, his dissertation focuses on the overall health design landscape, examining how design affects behavioral decisions and how people perceive and use external resources related to health in the Atlanta area. In particular, she has spent several years researching bioretainment design and has co-authored several publications on how design can affect both staff safety and patient experience in these environments. Her research focuses on the relationship between the human environment and health, and how design influences behavioral choices and health outcomes. Implications for Industry: As the world continues to grapple with the VIDOC pandemic,19 concerns remain about the safety of health workers, especially at the forefront of health care. NEVER IN HISTORY Learn the latest news, trends, projects and perspectives on health design in one place. COVID-19 graphics and signage programs are more important than ever to transfer new health and safety protocols and build trust with patients and staff. By integrating testing, modeling, surveillance, rapid prototyping and collaborative design with end users, the team developed a presentation that promotes better communication with staff, greater efficiency and safer behavior. In addition, on board the vessel, employees could not accidentally leave the port area and return to contaminated areas. Prospects The industry is able to proactively address many of the challenges posed by the pandemic through the flexible design and re-profiling of service areas, both internally and externally. And work on Matić, particularly based on Ebola, translated to VOCID-19 and applicable to any infection scenario, demonstrates the long-term potential value of these efforts.