When studying aerosols, vapors or chemicals? Scientists have found that students are more likely to understand the harmful effects of e-cigarettes and support campus smokefree policies if special labels such as “chemicals” or “aerosols” are used than if the tobacco industry uses “vapor” jargon. The study was published this week in the American College Journal of Health Accurate labels such as “aerosols” or “chemicals” increase the perceived risk of e-cigarettes Date: September 16, 2020. Source: Summary: Researchers have found that precise labeling of e-cigarettes, such as “chemicals” or “aerosols” rather than “vapor,” increases the perceived risk of exposure. The goal of the study is to determine whether the terminology used to describe used e-cigarettes has an impact on students’ perceptions of the dangers of e-cigarettes and whether the perception of the dangers of e-cigarettes is linked to support tobacco control policies on campus containing e-cigarettes. Matthew Rossheim, of the George Mason University School of Health and Human Services, provides important information on how labelling used e-cigarettes can help to better report the harm caused by e-cigarettes and to increase support for tobacco control policies on campus. Researchers have concluded that due to the serious risks associated with e-cigarettes and secondhand smoke, e-cigarette communications and tobacco-free campuses must accurately identify their emissions as “chemicals” and “aerosols. They urge legislation to regulate the e-cigarette industry’s business practices so that it cannot minimize the harmfulness of its products. The results show that the words used to describe tobacco products and their secondary emissions are key to shaping young people’s understanding of e-cigarettes and their harm, and that simple editorial decisions can have a significant impact on perceptions of risk. It is also the first time that a link has been made between perceptions of the harm of used e-cigarettes and support for a 100% smoke-free campus policy,” said Rosheim, associate professor of global and public health. Researchers have sought to better understand the relationship between the labels used to describe used e-cigarettes and perceived risk levels among youth. “This study is the first known study to determine whether the word used to describe the emission of used e-cigarettes is related to the perceived harmful effects of these substances. Aerosols, steam or chemicals? Students’ perceptions of harmful e-cigarettes and support for smokefree campus policies Specific labels such as “aerosols” or “chemicals” increase the perceived risks associated with e-cigarettes. “ScienceDaily. Specific labels such as “aerosol” or “chemicals” increase the perceived risks associated with the use of e-cigarettes. Tobacco retailers use a variety of stand devices to minimize the risks associated with cigarettes, e-cigarettes and second-hand smoke.