Chef Follows SCD – In 2008 I went back to school to make a

In 2008, I went back to school to make a career as a pastry chef – a lifelong dream! I was a single mother with 4 young children and had to go back to work. I was in the auditorium of the high school at my son’s first film festival and I had a stomachache like never before. Who would have thought that there were so many people in my small town who needed it? For six months I worked seven days a week and tried to keep up with the question. Since then, he has changed his health and created the website to help others heal stomach problems naturally. I took my “lemons” and opened a bakery and cafeteria that helps people with autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease, TC celiac disease, and many others: “Squirrel and Bee Bakery. Why not try a diet that can help you? In those days I could not control my life and my body; there was something I could control: what I ate and what I took in my body. Then I know that my symptoms started when I was about 8 years old, but since I didn’t complain of abdominal pain, that part of my body was never taken care of. In 2009, he reached a turning point when his life went to IBS, and doctors did not know how to help him. Pale diet, no grain, no sugar, a little calories, a lot of vegetables in 3 months, then 1000 calories per day for 3 years interspersed with about 1500 calorie days. In the following weeks I came and went for a walk. But that’s not all: I was very depressed when I got sick and my dream to become a party cook disappeared – and all this without weight loss! This year, in 2017, I went to a nutritionist, who told me that I need more protein to cure the bowel and eat a little less calories every 3 hours.

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