Results: In the diabetic group, serum glucose concentration, serum AST and ALT activity, as well as liver MDA values were significantly higher, while the total thiol levels in the tissues and the catalytic and SDA activity were lower compared to the control group. In all groups receiving the extract and metformin, ALT serum, MDA tissue, total thiol levels and SOD activity were significantly improved compared to diabetic rats. Serum glucose in diabetic rats that received metformin + extract showed a significant decrease compared to the diabetic group. However, the treatment of diabetic rats only with metformin has not significantly changed the catalytic activity and ADHD compared to the diabetic group. METHODS: Fifty Wistar male rats were randomly distributed into five groups: controlgroup + metformin, diabetic + extract and diabetic + extract + metformin. Delivery of dysfunction and oxidative stress in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: protective role of Turanian. CONCLUSION: These results show that Tate extract has therapeutic effects on liver dysfunction and diabetes-induced oxidative stress, probably due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. This study evaluated the protective effects of Tate’s extract against oxidative stress and diabetes-induced liver dysfunction. Tasks: Oxidative stress plays a central role in complications caused by diabetes. By providing the information in this document, no disease or condition is diagnosed, treated, cured, facilitated, or prevented. It is recommended to seek advice from a recognized medical professional before starting any form of natural, integrative or conventional treatment.