Wiley Summary – The prevalence of hearing impairment at the

The prevalence of hearing impairment at the age of 3 years was 4.6%. Compared to children who were not exposed to tobacco smoke at birth and at 4 months of age, children exposed to tobacco smoke only during pregnancy had a 26 percent higher relative risk of hearing impairment, children exposed to secondhand smoke only at 4 months of age had a 30 percent higher relative risk, children exposed to secondhand smoke only during pregnancy had a 68 percent higher relative risk, and children exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy and at 3 years of age had a higher relative risk of hearing impairment. Prenatal and postpartum exposure to tobacco smoke is associated with hearing impairment in infants Date: June 6 2018 Source: Wiley Summary: Prenatal and postpartum exposure to tobacco smoke is associated with hearing impairment. In a study of 50,734 children born between 2004 and 2010, 3.8% were exposed to tobacco smoke only during pregnancy; 15.2% were exposed to premature smoking only in the womb; 3.9% were exposed to secondhand smoke only after 4 months; and 0.9% were exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy and after 4 months. In a pediatric and perinatal epidemiological study of children in Japan, exposure to tobacco smoke before and after birth was associated with hearing impairment. Prenatal and post-natal exposure to tobacco smoke and hearing impairment in children in Japan: A retrospective cohort study “This study clearly shows that preventing exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy and during the postpartum period can reduce the risk of hearing impairment in children. “Although public health guidelines already prohibit smoking during pregnancy and in front of children, some women continue to smoke during pregnancy and many babies are exposed to second-hand smoke,” says Dr. ScienceDaily. Exposure to tobacco before and after birth is associated with hearing impairment in babies. June 1, 2017 – Tobacco exposure before and after birth is associated with hearing impairment in babies. Antenatal exposure to tobacco is known to have short-term adverse effects such as premature birth, low birth weight and related behavioral problems. 3, 2017 Sticky residue left by tobacco smoke has caused changes in weight and blood cell count in rats, says a new report. ScienceDaily provides links to Trend® web sites and generates revenue from external advertisers when needed. ScienceDaily, June 6, 2018

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