Licorice extract suppresses adipogenesis by regulating mitotic clonal expansion and adenosine activated protein kinase in 3T3-L1 cells. This study enhances the reliability of the anti-tuberculosis effect of liquorice by offering a new mechanism for action and increased use of functional foods associated with the anti-tuberculosis effect of liquorice. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Although the anti-TBB effect of liquorice has been studied, the application of the anti-TBB effect of liquorice to functional foods was lower than for other extracts. The new mechanistic discovery will not only improve scientific knowledge, but also predict the side effects of licorice consumption against obesity. Licorice, the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra has been found to have a counterbalanced effect. This study attempted to better understand the molecular mechanism of action against LE obesity using adipocytes 3T3-L1 in vitro. LE inhibits 3T3-L1 adipogenesis, and the inhibitory effect of LE on adipogenesis was more significant in the early stage of adipogenic differentiation. These results indicate the antituberculosis effect of LE due to the regulation of CPM and AMPC. Licorice extract inhibits adipogenesis. LE inhibits the expression of cycline- and cycline-dependent kinases in the MCE phase and inhibits cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. The information contained in this document does not diagnose, cure, facilitate or prevent any disease or illness. Before starting any natural, integrative or traditional treatment, it is recommended to seek advice from a qualified medical professional. More than 500 pages of alternatives and information about natural medicine.