Tobacco addicts linked to crime in urban communities of color Medical marijuana clinics may not be closely linked to neighborhood violence Date: January 6, 2018 Source: University of California – Riverside Summary: Study finds that tobacco growers, also known as “tobacco growers,” may have potential “annoying properties” in urban communities of color. “We know that liquor stores can be linked to dangerous disorders in urban areas, but this study appears to be the first that tobacco stores in the United States can also have public health implications,” said Dr. Andrew Subica, associate professor of social medicine, public health and population medicine at the School of Medicine, which conducted the study, which focused on South Los Angeles, Calif. Subica believes that strategies developed by South Los Angeles organizers and policymakers to reduce crime and violence around these facilities are applicable to other major U.S. cities, which also have a large number of tobacco and beverage stores. “Tobacco companies are associated with crime in urban communities of color: medical marijuana clinics may not be closely tied to neighborhood violence. ScienceDaily. Tobacco stores, also known as “smoke shops,” may be a “nuisance” in urban communities of color, according to a study by a University of California, Riverside researcher. Criminogenic Tobacco Stores in Neighborhoods of Color: Medical marijuana clinics are not necessarily associated with neighborhood violence. The geography of crime and violence around tobacco stores, medical marijuana clinics and liquor stores in a large urban low-income community of color. The study, published in the Journal of Preventive Medicine, focused on 2014 data on violent crime and property in South Los Angeles, the large urban community with the largest concentration of African Americans, adults without a high school diploma, and low-income residents in Los Angeles County. The research team will then explore how to mitigate the potential negative health effects of tobacco and beer stores in South Los Angeles through community action and policy changes. “Our analysis shows that tobacco and liquor stores in South Los Angeles are associated with high rates of violent crime as well as ownership in their neighborhoods,” the team said. “Our study found that clinics are not associated with higher violent crime rates in your neighborhood,” Subica said, “probably for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they often show up and disappear quickly in these communities, while alcohol and tobacco vendors stay in the same location for many years. The study focused on data on violent crime and property rights in 2014 in South Los Angeles, a large urban community with a homicide rate nearly four times the national rate. “Residents of Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles, for example, who live in neighborhoods with lots of abandoned land, find it harder to participate in healthy activities that other communities take for granted, like walking and playing outdoor sports or letting their children play in public parks. Subika and “their” colleagues chose South Los Angeles because residents told the researchers that not only liquor stores but tobacco stores were dangerous. The study also looked at the links between medical dispensaries and crime in South Los Angeles, a hot topic given the recent legalization of recreational marijuana use in California.