Lynn and Sean from Holistic Nutrition Hub reveal all their business and marketing strategies, sales techniques and practical tips so you too can get a head start on your nutrition counseling business. My passion for nutrition began when I had my first child 10 years ago, when I realized that feeding a child is not as easy as it seems and that the process of motherhood is different from mother to mother – and from child to child. Learn how to increase your income and grow your nutrition business so you can live your passion while helping others be happier and healthier. After nearly two years of researching the wellness market and learning about common questions from my patients, I realized there was an opportunity to expand my impact by creating an app that could connect women living at one time in their lives with other women and with holistic services and products that could support their journey in a natural and alternative way. On this episode of the Holistic Nutrition Hub podcast, we talk with Sherry Rothwell, RHN, creator of the Delish approach to weight loss without dieting. I am a certified health coach and holistic nutritionist specializing in nutrition for women and children. My passion was so strong that in 2015 “she” was published in a book about overcoming breastfeeding, having a young child with food allergies, and healthy vegan recipes for kids for holistic solid food introduction. Amanda Horvath is a video strategist, YouTuber and course developer who teaches business owners how to harness the power of video without spending a lot of money and time. After moving to Canada – Winnipeg, MB – in 2016, I knew I wanted to share my knowledge with Canadians, so my first step was to become certified as a specialist and thoroughly study the culture and lifestyle of the country to connect with Canadian moms. If you want to be part of the movement to end traditional diets, the Certified Weight Loss Counselor training may be for you.