We know that we can send healing into the future to improve the outcome of potentially unpleasant events such as surgeries, root canal treatments and interviews, and many of us practice this during or after our Level 2 Reiki training. Focus on this place and allow the energy to expand as you connect with the healing energy of Reiki. It is your present self that sends healing and love to your future self. So be sure to include your present self in this present, rather than seeing the future self as a place you have yet to get to. Then ask the energy to flow to your future self in any way you can to achieve the best outcome for all. However, you can extend this principle to send Reiki to all possible future versions of yourself. And there are many articles on the website on how to send healing to the past, many of them written by me. She teaches online courses in energy healing, flower essences, herbal healing and personal growth. I am very afraid to send Reiki into my future because it works the best for me, I always think the best will leave me and go away if I use Reiki. Thank you so much for showing us the best way to send healing into the future, it is really easy to apply. Based on that, we can send Reiki in different ways. After sending healing energy, try not to get attached to the details of how it happens. When we apply Reiki in time and space, we do so knowing that there are many possible outcomes along each path. What doesn’t happen often is sending healing into the future. Angie is the author of Animal Reiki: How It Heals, Teaches and Reconnects Us to Nature and Reiki from A to Z. If we always try to make things happen the way we expect them to, we are not letting the universe lead us in new directions! If we always do things the same way and never open up, it only leads to the same repetitive results. Angie often works with natural Earth healing and healing methods in hopes of better understanding our connection to Mother Earth.