The fact that our gut microbes are quite easy to influence

The fact that our gut microbes are quite easy to influence is actually a very good thing, because we can change for the better those factors that we ourselves can influence. Physical activity is one of the independent factors that can affect gut microbes and gut function – for better or for worse. The trillions of microbes living in your gut can be influenced by a variety of external factors. There is a constant interaction between the gut and the brain, and stress is just one example of how our mental state can affect the gut and the microbes that live in it. All of these factors affect the fragile gut microbes, but how exactly they are affected depends on many different factors. Breastfed babies have a different composition of gut microbes than those who are not breastfed, due to the prebiotic properties of breast milk. How you were born – vaginally or by C-section – affects your microbiota. Your genes may predispose you to a certain composition of gut microbes, which can negatively affect your gut health. In early childhood, your gut microbiota is relatively stable, but the microbial community can change as you get older. The good news is that there are many things you can do to improve your microbiota. Where you live, your environment and travel experiences have a direct impact on the types of bacteria that live in your gut. Exercise increases microbial diversity and has been shown to increase short-chain fatty acids (read more here). However, some infant formula now includes prebiotics to help baby’s gut in the same way breast milk does. Read our tips for making positive changes to your diet here. Not for distribution or commercial use – please contact us if you would like to discuss our affiliate program.

And if you are struggling with something that is important

And if you are struggling with something that is important to you, and you feel like your life is unfair, look at the people around you and realize that everyone is struggling with something, and it is just as hard for them as it is for you. I have struggled with all of the things you listed here in the past, but I can proudly say that I no longer do! Some things I no longer struggle with, but they are doable! Sure, I have to remind myself of it on bad days, but overall I have made progress. When half of my brain thinks I have to give it my all and everything has to be perfect, the other half, the half that listens to your class and those wonderful blogs and touching comments from people, says, “No, you don’t have to, take your time.” When I take the time to go through the articles, read these blogs, I finally feel a sense of peace, knowing that I can’t always change at my own pace just because I made a decision. I’m losing the weight I’ve always wanted to lose, I feel more energetic, and as a 30 year old diabetic, my blood sugar is actually normal! I’m still afraid to change my lifestyle, as strange as it sounds, but I’m still motivated to do what I’ve been doing so far – get out of my comfort zone. I’ve been to a psychologist for the first time in my life and I’m still digesting what they did to me. Georgia, what a great quote: rejection is God’s protection, I had never heard that before! This is why I love reading Mark and Angels articles, because not only do they impart a lot of wisdom, but they also elicit a lot of reactions from other readers. I totally agree with everything you have written here! I’ve had a few tough situations in my life and I’ve learned to stop blaming myself for not being perfect and live the life I deserve. You guys are amazing! I’ve been reading your book and blog periodically for a year now and I feel better than ever. For a few months I was depressed about work and life in general. So I started getting rid of all the negative thoughts and behaviors that were holding me back; then I took a step forwardand . They could hear what I was doing, but they didn’t understand what was going on. Sometimes you have to let go of who you have become and remember who you should be, who you can be, and who you really are in the moment.

Because milk thistle promotes liver function and helps it

Because milk thistle promotes liver function and helps it process cholesterol, it benefits cardiovascular health by maintaining cholesterol levels that are already in the normal range. Milk thistle extract has been studied primarily for its effects on liver health. Milk thistle seeds yield the most active ingredient, silymarin, a nutrient complex made up of numerous flavonoid antioxidants, including silybinin. Milk thistle is widespread in many parts of the world and is especially prized for its seeds, which have long been used in European folk medicine. Milk thistle supplements come in a variety of forms, including capsules, tablets and liquids. Some of these supplements can be standardized to provide guaranteed minimum levels of silymarin, milk thistle’s most active component. There is no fixed dosage of milk thistle. Milk thistle extract is usually obtained from the seeds of the plant. Before you start taking milk thistle extract, discuss its use with your doctor. Studies have shown that the antioxidants in silymarin act against harmful free radicals in the liver, providing a protective effect. Silymarin has also been studied for its effect on cholesterol balance. Silymarin may also improve protein synthesis in the liver and stimulate liver cell regeneration. **These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Setting SMART goals is an

Setting SMART goals is an art. We start with a vision or idea and gradually refine it, making it more concrete and measurable so that it becomes a goal we can achieve. This SMART Goal Setting and Action Planning Guide offers tips on setting goals for you and your business. Starting with an overview of the SMART acronym and a handy SMART chart, this guide covers all the elements of SMART goal setting. Be prepared to adjust your goal as it is clarified and better understood. SMART goal setting is a process and an art. Making the goal practical also encourages you to set ACTIVE goals rather than passive ones. Similarly, an action plan for a goal will make a big difference in terms of effort, decisions, and help needed if the deadline is set for a month rather than a year. If the goal isn’t working, change it. The best goals meet the needs. If you cannot demonstrate that you have achieved the goal, then it is not measurable, i.e., it is not a SMART goal. To be SMART, a goal must be achievable and verifiable. For example, a goal or action with an end date of March 31 is likely to have a higher priority than a goal with an end date of September 30. Therefore, this goal is achievable. In addition, two follow-up actions could be to include these opportunities and benefits on the “Why train with me?” page on my website.

At the end of your appointment make sure you are clear

At the end of your appointment, make sure you are clear about when you should return, how long you can expect to recover, what factors to look for or under what circumstances to return sooner, how to wait for test results, and how long to continue treatment. Use your doctor’s appointment waiting time to your advantage by thinking about when and what factors aggravate your symptoms, or what you’ve already experienced that has improved your problem. Most doctor’s appointments last only 10 minutes. That’s not enough time to say all the things you want to say and ask, and for the doctor to explain what’s going on and answer all your questions. If you feel you need more than 10 minutes, you can ask for a double consultation, but I encourage you to do this only when necessary. As I’ve said before, I wish all appointments were done on a double entry basis, but unfortunately we don’t have enough time for that, and if everyone was recorded on a double entry basis, the system would collapse. Many studies have shown that we only remember a small fraction of the information we are given when we go to the doctor. For example, if you have a problem related to gut health, the registrar knows which doctor is most interested in that area of medicine. I was so sure that “her” problem was not cancer related that I could have visited “her” three more times without mentioning the “C” word, and “she” would still be worried. For bowel problems, it can be very helpful to keep a diary of symptoms and foods for a few weeks before the doctor’s visit. He or “she” can take notes ahead of time, and even if you don’t, you’ll remember the parts of the appointment that the patient may not know. Most doctor’s offices offer a double consultation for more complicated problems. Dawn Harper talks about how to get the most out of a doctor’s visit, especially for bowel problems. With such a short consultation, it’s easy to forget what you have to say. If you write down what you want to ask, you can be sure you won’t forget anything. The more information you give your doctor, the easier it will be for “him” or “her” to make a diagnosis and select a treatment. Disclaimer: The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis, treatment or medical purposes.

Segal Tsang and production designer Lee used color to

Segal, Tsang and production designer Lee used color to distinguish Samis from the bright world “he” finds himself in when “he” meets Margot: the scenes of “his” daily life and home are darker and colder than the bright, more colorful scenes with Margot. In the black-and-white dream, Sammy rides a huge rabbit and reminisces about the fantastic stories “his” mother told him. Segal and Tsang thought about how best to realize this scene on a separate budget. Tsang wanted to incorporate black-and-white dreams into the film and had Seagal watch Chinese martial arts films from the 1960s. Kate wanted to emulate the style of the Wuxia movies “she” watched as a child. The characteristic naturalism, use of color and fantastic scenes with huge animals help convey the magic of writer-director Kate Tsang’s charming story, beautifully shot by BSC’s Nanu Seagal. When Segal and Tsang pondered the overall tone of the film, they agreed that a naturalistic but slightly exaggerated style would be most appropriate. Tsang, passionate about one of the central themes of the film and fully immersed in the world “he” explores, trained as a close-up magician in preparation. Kate is incredibly collaborative and has a unique perspective on the world that’s different from mine,” Segal says. “We worked with magic consultant Kayla Drescher on scenes like the rose flying out of Margo’s hand or when “she” makes Sammy’s cigarettes disappear. She adds that the main thing was to work with Andre Rivas of Company 3 to make the house setting cool, not too lush and hot, and to make Margot’s world more colorful and intense. Sammys’ father is about to remarry, which “she” doesn’t like at all, and “her” house has become a difficult environment in which “she” feels withdrawn and rebellious,” Segal says. They thought about how best to alternate between the everyday situations in the film and Sammy’s inner world as “she” thinks about “her” mother or the problems “she” faces. ‘Kate is a fantastic artist with a unique imagination,’ says Segal. “We made ‘709’ because we knew we could play with so much more information in the classroom,” Segal says.

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Unfortunately, it looks like your current browser is outdated and not compatible with these features. Here are instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. We have listened to your feedback and have made a number of significant improvements to Paylocity. Update your browser today to take advantage of the new features. You’re using an unsupported browser.

Such projects extend beyond the academy as technology

Such projects extend beyond the academy as technology amplifies previously unheard voices and dissent and, to borrow an old postcolonial phrase, rewrites the empire, or, in this case, rewrites it. This is the intent of the online project Native Land, an interactive site that Atlas Obscura says is the opposite of secular colonial cartography, eliminating land and state boundaries to illuminate the complex network of historical and contemporary indigenous territories, treaties and languages spanning the United States, Canada, the Canadian Arctic, Greenland and Australia. Temprano makes no claim to definitive historical accuracy, but points to other similar projects that fill gaps in “his” own online map, such as the vast expanses of South America redrawn in situ by Amazonian tribes, who collect data on the ground using smartphones, and Aaron Capellas’ tribal people maps, which are an attractive printed book perfect for classroom use. After discovery by Europeans, writes historian Michel-Rolf Trouillot, after classification, cartography, and slavery, the Other finally appears in the human world. For several decades, postcolonial projects have sought a gradual disenchantment with this idea, a recognition of the interdependent relationship between naming, mapping and power, and a return, as far as possible, to the names, boundaries and identities behind erased history. Visit the Native Land site and enter an address in North America, South America, or Australia to learn more about Native peoples’ past and present, their languages, and the historical treaties signed and broken over the centuries. By clicking on each indigenous area, you will find links to other informative sites and can make adjustments to improve the accuracy of this global project. At a time when neocolonial projects such as pipelines are threatening the survival of indigenous communities again, and when indigenous people and their children are being imprisoned for crossing paramilitary land borders, these issues could not be more relevant. He would urge people, indigenous and non-indigenous, to remember that the land was once a vast territory inhabited by autonomous indigenous peoples who gave it different names according to their language and geography. Brown notes that the materials used to make maps, charts, and globes contributed to their destruction. Paper burns, rots, is exposed to water and insects.

SOURCES: Katherine Babin graduate student University of

SOURCES: Katherine Babin, graduate student, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; Stephanie Fobion, MD, medical director, North American Menopause Society, Pepper Pike, Ohio; Nese Yuksel, PhD, professor of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, University of Alberta; North American Menopause Society, annual meeting, Washington, DC. According to principal investigator Catherine Babin, a graduate student at the University of Alberta in Canada, middle-aged women transitioning to menopause use cannabis because of symptoms that coincide with menopause. Up to 74 percent of women reported improvement in symptoms after using cannabis, said lead researcher Nace Yuksel, professor of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Alberta. Overall, women who used cannabis reported more menopausal symptoms than those who did not use cannabis, but we can’t determine which way this relationship goes, Babin said. Fobion, Yuksel and Babin agreed that until there is more medical evidence about the benefits of cannabis, women are better off relying on proven treatments for menopause. The findings were presented Wednesday at the annual meeting of the North American Menopause Society in Washington, D.C. The results presented at the medical meetings are considered preliminary before publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Further research is needed to determine exactly whether cannabis is an effective and safe treatment for menopausal symptoms, Babin said. Faubion said the findings suggest that women who use cannabis have more severe symptoms. It hasn’t been formally studied in postmenopausal women, so we don’t know what the benefits or risks might be, Faubion said. Harvard Medical School offers more information about treating menopausal symptoms. We have safe and effective treatments for menopausal symptoms, “she” said. For the study, Babin and “her” colleagues surveyed about 1,500 middle-aged women in the Canadian province of Alberta. Doctors need to look closely at their patients to assess their symptoms and suggest effective treatments, Yuksel said. Many middle-aged women seem to agree as they use marijuana to cope with changes in their lives, the new study found. Among current users, 75 percent said they use marijuana for medical purposes, although only 23 percent have received a prescription from a doctor.

Frank who had made about 80 on Prolific surveys before

Frank, who had made about $80 on Prolific surveys before “his” video, told The Verge that “he” also noticed a difference in the platform. Scientists conducting such research in the U.S. usually require a group of subjects whose first language is English, who are not well versed in psychological research, and who together constitute a fairly representative demographic sample of the U.S. population. Prolific, a tool for behavioral scientists, did not have screening tools to provide representative samples of the population for each study. Suddenly, scientists accustomed to getting a wide range of subjects for their Prolific studies were inundated with responses from young women Franks’ age. Prolific compensated researchers whose studies were significantly affected by the influx of female respondents and introduced a new set of demographic screening tools. The small platform offers more transparency, promises more ethical treatment of survey participants, and higher quality survey subjects than alternative platforms such as Mechanical Turk. Currently, the Stanford Behavioral Laboratory mainly uses the newer and smaller Prolific platform for online surveys, Hall said. A Stanford Behavioral Lab employee wrote on the Prolific forum, “We’ve noticed a big jump in the number of platform participants in the U.S. pool, from 40,000 to 80,000. According to Vlad Chituk, a psychology student at Yale University who was conducting several pilot studies on Prolific when the surge began, updating the pool of research participants should have long-term benefits. Within a month of publication, the video had been viewed 4.1 million times, leading to tens of thousands of new users joining the Prolific platform. Longtime Prolific users complained on Reddit that Frank had discouraged paid search on the crowdsourced platform. While most Turkish mechanical customers are large corporations doing corporate research, Prolific is targeting academia. The first and largest of these research platforms is Amazons Mechanical Turk, which was launched in 2005 as a general platform for repetitive crowdsourcing tasks. Although not as widely known, Prolific is part of a small collection of online tools that have changed the way business and academia learn how people think and act. For days and weeks after Franks’ video was published, researchers tried to figure out what happened to their research. According to Bradley, about 4,600 studies were thwarted by Franks TikTok, or about a third of all active research on the platform during the surge.