Before his “death” in 2005, Schroeder “met” his “lawyer” Steve Nielsen having decided to pay school fees to disadvantaged children from his “savings”. But you can remember this and imitate him. “Schroeder’s financial investments go beyond career opportunities. His legacy encourages 33 adults to change other people’s lives and pass on their gifts. The adults claimed the title of Dale’s Kids and accepted the Nielsen status, formulated in the name of Schroeder. Conrad’s circumstances have shown that many children, including Schroeders, cannot afford to go to college. Because students’ guilt affects their future plans, college education can be a boring or simply unacceptable option for needy children. While this is often a prerequisite for obtaining a job, it is difficult for children to access higher education at college because of its financial costs. I was there after a busy day when my legs, knees, legs, and lower back were so painful that I thought I should have lost hope for our next climb, Rainbow Mountain! That night, I took a small bottle of Magnesium Butter that a friend gave me before I left. Instead of celebrating his high school graduation, Conrad was ready to tell his “friends” that she wouldn’t go to college at the graduation party. Nielsen was surprised to find out how much money Schroeder had saved. “For someone who will never find me to take me to college,” said Conrad New York Post. Like many potential professionals, Kira Konrad dreamed of going to college. Schroeder lived a minimal lifestyle and worked for 67 years in the same carpentry workshop, Des Moines Shop. In the heart of Iowa, in Iowa, Ames, the economic carpenter, Dale Schroeder understood the problem.