He points out that similar procedures have been in place for decades for women with cancer, but not for healthy women, according to CBS News. 6.2019 — Ten British have had their first surgery, which can delay menopause for up to 20 years. As menopause approaches, the tissues are thawed and reapplied to restore “their” younger, more natural hormones, according to CBS News. “So now we really live, whether women live, with four or five decades of menopause. The women, aged 22-36 years, were operated on by ProFam doctors in Birmingham, England. However, the effects of the procedure on women will not be known for several decades. While this is a remarkable development, it also raises a number of questions, according to the medical staff of CBS News Dr. The procedure involves removing part of a woman’s ovaries and then freezing them cryogenically. “A hundred years ago, the average life expectancy was in the 1950s,” “he” said this morning. “As far as we know, this can change the risk of cancer,” said Agus. “It can change cognitive functions later in life. David Agus.