June 19, 2020. — Father Daywho won the coronavirus thanks to the hospital team that saved his life and helped him meet his newborn son just in time for Father’s Day. It was the San Francisco team that saved this faithful father of three children,” said Charles L.. The 39-year-old registered nurse spent several weeks in the hospital fighting for her life, according to a statement from San Francisco this week, a father of three met with the team of doctors who saved him to thank them for their efforts. Fortunately, Thomas recovered in time to celebrate Father’s Day with his newborns and his two young daughters. He was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Roslin, New York. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. St. Francis Hospital. Tony Thomas missed the birth of his son after he was diagnosed with COVID-19. “It really is an incredible story and an honor for everyone in San Francisco.