In this collection of courses, we will expand our basic knowledge of balancing the chakras with crystals, going beyond the seven basic chakras and exploring the transpersonal energy system of the body. An in-depth look at crystal grids; we’ll learn how to use them for effective manifestation! Using science as a platform, we will explore the sacred geometric basis of the lattices, their energy fields, their relationship to the crystal lattice of Mother Earth and how they work with distance healing. A very motivating way to begin the course; we will learn how and why crystals work, exploring the scientific and metaphysical aspects, providing a solid foundation for working effectively with crystal energy. Is it time to hit the reset button? Take the opportunity to take care of yourself by taking a relaxing crystal journey to cleanse and restore your chakra energy, bringing your entire subtle energy system into a state of harmony and balance. This module will guide you through our unique and highly effective Hibiscus Moon crystal therapy method with step-by-step instructions before, during and after your crystal session. Thus, everything is broken down into simple, easy to follow steps so you can finally feel confident during your crystal therapy session. If you’re looking for a “how-to”, practical planning and organization, how to conduct remote sessions, all the logistical details and ideas on how to create a thriving online energy healing business, then you won’t want to miss this course! The goal of this course is to fully prepare you to conduct highly effective, memorable and successful remote healing sessions for your clients. Learn how to use specific protocols for using crystals to influence the right energy vibrations to maintain chakra health. This elective will allow you to make a deep and vital connection with your ancestors by participating in a powerful crystal experience. Whether you use this music as background music for oracle card divination or as a lead crystal session for a group, finding the right music can be a real headache. Are you ready to give yourself permission to manifest abundant prosperity in your life? In this powerful course, you will learn how to use crystals as energy tools for powerful manifestation. Become aware of the unlimited potential available through these lesser-known but very important energy centers, and the crystals that best support these chakras. The Academy is taught by me, Hibiscus Moon, bestselling author of Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work. It’s the perfect place to learn all about the art and science of crystal therapy. And I am especially attentive to what is touched during a crystallotherapy session.